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Home » College Information » Academic Senate 2019-2020 » Academic Senate Officers Spring Election 2017

Academic Senate Officers Spring Election 2017

Please see below our Candidates and their statements

Liz Barrow
Senate officer-at-large candidate statement for 

I’m the program coordinator and faculty for the Cardiovascular Technology Program, one of the allied health programs here at Grossmont College. The CVT program has been at Grossmont for 43 years and as a graduate of the program, I’m very proud to now be part of it. I’m in my sixth year here and I participate on Facilities Committee, Chairs & Coordinators Council, Planning & Resources Council, and hiring committees; and I feel I have a wide perspective on what’s happening on campus including the concerns of faculty, staff and Administration. I’m hoping to contribute and learn by serving as one of your Academic Senators-at-large. Thank you!

Beth Kelley
Senate officer-at-large candidate

I’m one of those odd folks who enjoys committee work and I have served on many campuswide activities that involve a faculty voice. As an at-large-senator for the past two years, I’ve really enjoyed representing all Grossmont faculty in efforts to streamline our processes, increase transparency, and ultimately improve student success. I’d like to continue in this role by maintaining a strong faculty voice given the ever-changing shift in administrators and our multiple initiatives. Thank you for your consideration!

Pearl Lopez
Senate officer-at-large candidate

I have been working in community colleges for over 27 years. I have served in the capacity of student worker, classified staff, part-time faculty and full-time faculty. I am currently a Counselor, Department Chair, Coordinator of a special program, and teach Counseling 120 at Las Colinas Detention Facility. As a Senator-at-Large, I will be able to provide input from various perspectives. Currently, in EOPS/CARE, I serve students from financially and educationally disadvantaged backgrounds. I am also a product of EOPS and feel I can provide a voice for our underrepresented students. I am the Vice President of the Latino Alliance, Co-Chair of the Undocumented Students Task Force, advisor for the Dream Center and a Certified AB540 Ally. I attend weekly Divisional meetings with counselors and bi-weekly meetings with the Student Services Council. I would be honored to continue representing Student Services Counseling faculty

Steve Davis
Senate Vice President candidate

I am running for Academic Senate Vice-President for a variety of reasons. First, I enjoy working with Tate Hurvitz and while we often agree, I believe we have meaningful discussions even when we don't. As a math instructor, I also represent the MNSESHW division as does the current Vice-President, Jeff Lehman. I think it is important that the Senate has balance in its leadership from the various divisions on campus. As a former Academic Program Review chair of 6 years, I also understand a little bit about every department on this campus. In this role, I worked closely with faculty and deans from all of the academic divisions on campus and have a sense of the needs from the various departments within those divisions. I currently serve as the Math Study Center coordinator, teach our large lecture Math 90 course and run the Grossmont wide Math 90 Power Hour(Students come by for an extra hour of math support each week). In these roles I see students from across the spectrum of Grossmont College and better understand their needs as a result. With all of that in mind, I believe I can serve the Academic Senate well in the role of Vice President.

Last Updated: 03/29/2017
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