Debora Curry
English Dept - Administrative Assistant
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8am to 10am and 2pm to 4pm - email Debora for link for her Zoom Office hours
Dr. Cindi Harris, Co-Chair | |
Dr. Tate Hurvitz, Co-Chair | |
Composition is the primary English class offered at Grossmont College.
Prerequisite: Assessment recommendation for English 098. Recommended Preparation: A “Pass” grade in English 090 and English 090R or a “C” grade or higher or “Pass” in English 105 or equivalent.
This course is designed to introduce students to the process involved in writing effectively. Students will study grammar, punctuation and standard usage and will practice various phases of the writing process and use sentence variety to compose paragraphs and at least one multi-paragraph essay. (Nondegree credit course)
Prerequisite: Assessment recommendation for English 098. Recommended Preparation: Concurrent enrollment in English 098.
This course is designed to provide an introduction to effective reading skills and strategies for students who speak English fluently. An emphasis is placed on expanding vocabulary, improving reading comprehension, and increasing speed. Students will also learn basic strategies for inferential and critical reading. (Nondegree credit course)
This course is designed to prepare students for the academic reading, reasoning, and writing expected in transfer and associate degree courses. Students will engage in the essential practice of academic inquiry-discovering through reading, discussion, and writing, new views, new knowledge, and new truths about relevant and complex issues. In a highly supportive learning environment, students will develop critical reading, reasoning, and writing strategies and skills to help them engage in research and write academic essays by using and acknowledging multiple sources. Not open to students with credit in English 098. (Nondegree credit course)
Click here for answers to FAQs about this course.
3 units, 3 hours lecture
Prerequisite: A “C” grade or higher or “Pass” in English 99 or equivalent or appropriate placement for English 120.
This first semester transfer-level composition course is designed to develop critical reading and writing skills essential to academic inquiry across the disciplines. Based on analysis and evaluation of texts, and in response to particular audiences and purposes, students will construct expository and argumentative papers, including an extended argument, which synthesizes, integrates, and acknowledges multiple sources. Satisfies General Education for: Grossmont College A1; CSU A2; IGETC 1A. Transfers to: CSU, UC
1 unit, 1 hour lecture
Corequisite: English 120.
This course is designed to review and reinforce the skills necessary to be successful in English 120 (freshman composition). Students will study the elements and principles of composition through the practice of editing and revising narrative, expository, and argumentative essays. Students will also be introduced to effective reading skills and strategies necessary for the reading of college level material. This course is offered on a Pass/No Pass basis only. Nondegree applicable.
3 units, 3 hours lecture
Prerequisite: A “C” grade or higher or “Pass” in English 120 or ESL 122 or equivalent
This course is designed to develop critical thinking, reading, and writing skills beyond the level achieved in English 120. The course will focus on the development of logical reasoning and analytical and argumentative writing skills. Satisfies General Education for: Grossmont College A1; CSU A3; IGETC 1B. Transfers to: CSU, UC
Debora Curry
English Dept - Administrative Assistant
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8am to 10am and 2pm to 4pm - email Debora for link for her Zoom Office hours
8800 Grossmont College Drive
El Cajon, California 92020
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