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ASTR 110 Descriptive Astronomy
Course Notes:
All class exercises and material is available thru blackboard (bb.gcccd.edu)Your username is generally firstname.lastnameand your password is usually your 6 digit birthdate
ASTR 112 General Astronomy Laboratory
Course Notes:
All class exercises and material is available thru blackboard (bb.gcccd.edu)Your username is generally firstname.lastname
and your password is usually your 6 digit birthdate
PHYC 110 Introductory Physics
Course Notes:
All class exercises and material is available thru blackboard (bb.gcccd.edu)Your username is generally firstname.lastname
and your password is usually your 6 digit birthdate
PHYC 130 Fundamentals of Physics
Course Notes:
All class exercises and material is available thru blackboard (bb.gcccd.edu)Your username is generally firstname.lastname
and your password is usually your 6 digit birthdate
PHYC 131 Fundamentals of Physics
Course Notes:
All class exercises and material is available thru blackboard (bb.gcccd.edu)Your username is generally firstname.lastname
and your password is usually your 6 digit birthdate
PHYC 140 Mechanics of Solids
Course Notes:
All class exercises and material is available thru blackboard (bb.gcccd.edu)Your username is generally firstname.lastname
and your password is usually your 6 digit birthdate
PHYC 240 Electricity, Magnetism and Heat
Course Notes:
All class exercises and material is available thru blackboard (bb.gcccd.edu)Your username is generally firstname.lastname
and your password is usually your 6 digit birthdate
PHYC 241 Light, Optics, and Modern Physics
Course Notes:
All class exercises and material is available thru blackboard (bb.gcccd.edu)Your username is generally firstname.lastname
and your password is usually your 6 digit birthdate
PSC 110 Introduction to the Physical Sciences
Course Notes:
All class exercises and material is available thru blackboard (bb.gcccd.edu)Your username is generally firstname.lastname
and your password is usually your 6 digit birthdate
PSC 111 Physical Science Laboratory
Course Notes:
All class exercises and material is available thru blackboard (bb.gcccd.edu)Your username is generally firstname.lastname
and your password is usually your 6 digit birthdate