Grossmont College
Course Syllabus Spring, 2006
ESL 96 – English as a Second Language 1
Darlene Farnes
Telephone: 619-644-7454 x 3699 or 858-581-3576
Email: or
Office: 590L (office hours by appointment)
Course information: ESL 096 (5046), 5 nondegree credit hours
Hours: Mon, Wed, & Fri 9:30-10:55; Rm 527
+ 1 hour each week in EWC
Prerequisite: Pass ESL 80 & 81 or advisory placement
Concurrent enrollment in ESL 98 Reading
Grammar in Context I, 4th edition. by Sandra N. Elbaum (Heinle & Heinle) ($35.00)
Do not buy a used text!
(ESL 98: Class text)
Welcome to ESL 96! This is the first core course in the study of English grammar, reading, and writing for ESL students. The course includes the study of basic grammar and sentence structure, paragraph format and organization, and some reading skills. You must spend one hour each week in the English Writing Center (EWC) on word processing and/or doing exercises on software to develop grammar, reading, and writing skills introduced in class. This course is Credit or No Credit only.
You will learn to correctly use present, continuous, past, and future tenses in positive and negative statements and questions. You will also continue to work with modals, articles, and parts of speech introduced in ESL 80/81.
M-Th: 9:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.
F: 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
*Work on the computer FOG Basic Software (Focus on Grammar)
*You may ask for a tutor to help with your writing, especially. punctuation & grammar (20 min sessions), Independent Study Room, 70-119
*You may work on grammar, writing, or spelling skills.(FOG, Skills Bank 4, or Grammar 3D)
*You may also use the English Reading Annex (Room 545/546)
Full Name
Writing #1
Rough Draft (or Copy #_)
Students with disabilities who may need accommodations in this class are encouraged to notify the instructor and contact disabled student services & programs (DSP&S) early in the semester so that reasonable accommodations may be implemented as soon as possible. Students may contact DSP&S in person in room 110 or by phone at (619) 644-7112 or (619) 644-7199 (TTY for Deaf).
In order to learn well, you must attend each class, stay for the entire class session, and spend several hours each week on out-of-class preparation. If you can’t attend a class, please
(1) notify me by email or phone
(2) call a friend and get the information you missed from another student
(3) do the assigned homework on time
Friend ________________ Phone # _____________ email ____________________
Friend ________________ Phone # _____________ email ____________________
I take attendance at the beginning of class. If you enter after that, you are tardy. Three tardies equals one absence. Taking cell phone calls or leaving class early is marked as a tardy or absence and affects the participation (homework) grade.
Homework 25%
(Active participation, no tardies, grammar homework in text, grammar practice writing assignments, grammar homework, EWC visits, no cell phones in class)
Portfolio 10%
Final (for final you’ll need Master Grade # 25420) 25%
90 -100 = A, pass ESL 96 grades are non-credit
80 - 89 = B, pass 70 – 100 = pass
70 - 79 = C, pass below 69 = no pass
60 - 69 = D, no pass (repeat the class)
below 59 = F, fail
Get Final Grades
At the end of the semester, you can access your final grades:
Helpful Information: (619) 644-
Virginia Berger x7563 Assessment (Testing) Center x7200 EWC (Joyce Phillips) x7516 Health Service x7192 |
Disabled Student Service Mental Counseling Center x7205 Crisis Hotline 1-800-479-3339 Campus Nurse (Cathy Metts) x7191 Campus Police x7654 Internet Information Campus Information |