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Home » People » Karl Sherlock » Parts Of Speech Guide » About This Site » Appendix A: Illustrations

Appendix A: Illustrations and Diagrams


1.01.Rules of Diagramming
1.01.01.Horizontal Solid Lines: a solid horizontal line on a sentence diagram
1.01.02.Horizontal Dashed Lines: a dashed horizontal line on a sentence diagram
1.01.03.Vertical Solid Lines: a solid vertical line on a sentence diagram
1.01.04.Vertical Solid Angled Lines: a solid bent, or angled, vertical line on a sentence diagram
1.01.05.Vertical Dashed Lines: a dashed vertical line on a sentence diagram
1.01.06.Diagonal Solid Lines: a solid diagonal line on a sentence diagram
1.01.07.Diagonal Dashed Lines, 2: a dashed diagonal line on a sentence diagram, for subordinate clauses
1.01.08.Diagonal Dashed Lines, 1: a dashed diagonal line on a sentence diagram, for relative clauses
1.01.09.Splitters: splitters on a sentence diagram, for compound elements
1.01.10.Tripods: tripods on a sentence diagram, to raise complex phrases over horizontal lines

1.02.Conceptualizing Grammar

1.02.01."Noun" Cube
1.02.02."Pronoun" Square
1.02.03."Verb" Sphere
1.02.04.“Verbal” Snapshot
1.02.05."Adjective" Paintbrush
1.02.06."Adverb" Eyewitness
1.02.07."Conjunction" Plus-Sign
1.02.08."Preposition" Compass Needle
1.02.09."Interjection" Exclamation Point
1.02.10."Noun" Cube Drawing
1.02.11."Pronoun" Square Drawing
1.02.12."Verb" Circle Drawing
1.02.13. "Verbal" Circle in a Box Drawing
1.02.14. "Adjective" Puzzle-Piece Drawing
1.02.15. "Adverb" Eyewitness Drawing
1.02.16. "Conjunction" Paperclip Drawing
1.02.17. "Preposition" Weather Vane Drawing
1.02.18. "Interjection" Exclamation Point Drawing
1.02.19. "Participle" Circle In a Puzzle-Piece Drawing
1.02.20. "Conjunctive Adverb" Plus-Sign with Eyewitness Drawing
1.02.21. "Correlative Conjunction" Greater-or-Equal-To and Paperclip Drawing
1.02.22. "Subordinating Conjunction" Less-Than and Paperclip Drawing

2. Nouns:

2.01. Noun Phrases and Clauses 
2.01.01. Noun Phrases and Clauses: Appositives Diagram: a sentence diagram featuring appositive phrases
2.01.02. Noun Phrases and Clauses: Noun Clause Diagram 1: a sentence diagram featuring a noun clause
2.01.03. Noun Phrases and Clauses: Noun Clause Diagram 2: a sentence diagram contrasting a noun clause with other clauses

2.02. Showcased Nouns 
2.02.01. Spotlighted Nouns: Diagramming a Showcased Word: a sentence diagram showing how an exhibited word is showcased
2.02.02. Spotlighted Nouns: Diagramming a Showcased Phrase: Simple: a sentence diagram showing how an exhibited phrase is showcased simply
2.02.03. Spotlighted Nouns: Diagramming a Showcased Phrase: Complex: a sentence diagram showing how an exhibited phrase is showcased with more complexity
2.02.04. Spotlighted Nouns: Diagramming a Foreign Phrase: a sentence diagram element illustrating a foreign phrase
2.02.05. Spotlighted Nouns: Diagramming a Quotation After a Colon: a sentence diagram illustrating a quote following a colon
2.02.06. Spotlighted Nouns: Diagramming a Quotation After a Comma: a sentence diagram illustrating a quote following a comma
2.02.07. Spotlighted Nouns: Diagramming a Title, 1: sentence diagram 1, illustrating a title 2.02.08. Spotlighted Nouns: Diagramming a Title, 2: sentence diagram 2, illustrating a title

3. Pronouns:

3.01. Pronouns: Personal 
3.01.01. Personal Pronouns: Subject-Object Pronouns: a sentence diagram illustrating subject and object pronouns
3.01.02. Personal Pronouns: Predicate Nominative Pronouns: a sentence diagram illustrating predicate nominative pronouns
3.01.03. Personal Pronouns: Possessive Pronouns and Adjectives: a sentence diagram illustrating possessive pronouns and adjectives

3.02. Pronouns: Indefinite and Reciprocal 
3.02.01. Indefinite and Reciprocal Pronouns: Indefinite: a sentence diagram illustrating indefinite pronouns
3.02.02. Reciprocal Pronouns Vend Diagram: a Vend diagram illustrating reciprocal pronouns
3.02.03. Pronouns Reciprocal Diagram 1: a sentence diagram illustrating the reciprocal pronoun "each other”
3.02.04. Pronouns Reciprocal Diagram 2: a sentence diagram illustrating the reciprocal pronoun "one another”

3.03. Pronouns: Interrogative + Relative 
3.03.01. Pronouns Interrogative: a sentence diagram illustrating interrogative pronouns
3.03.02. Pronouns Interrogative Subject: a sentence diagram illustrating interrogative subject pronouns
3.03.03. Pronouns Interrogative Object: a sentence diagram illustrating interrogative object pronouns
3.03.04. Pronouns Interrogative Complement: a sentence diagram illustrating interrogative complement pronouns
3.03.05. Pronouns Interrogative: a sentence diagram illustrating a variety of interrogative pronouns
3.03.06. Pronouns Relative: a sentence diagram illustrating relative pronouns
3.03.07. Pronouns Relative: “That”: sentence diagram comparing relative pronouns to similar words
3.03.08. Pronouns Relative: "Which" and “That”: a sentence diagram comparing relative pronouns "which" and "that"

3.04. Pronouns: This and That 
3.04.01. Pronouns Demonstrative 1: sentence diagram 1, illustrating demonstrative pronouns
3.04.02. Pronouns Demonstrative 2: sentence diagram 2, illustrating demonstrative pronouns
3.04.03. Pronouns Demonstrative 3: sentence diagram 1, comparing demonstrative pronouns to similar words
3.04.04. Pronouns Demonstrative 4: sentence diagram 2, comparing demonstrative pronouns to similar words
3.04.05. Pronouns Reflexive versus Intensive: a sentence diagram illustrating reflexive pronouns

4. Verbs:

4.01. Transitive Verbs 
4.01.01. Transitive Verb Direct Object transitive verb takes direct object
4.01.02. Transitive Verb Direct Object Illustration, Sample: transitive verb takes direct object, sample sentence
4.01.03. Transitive Verb Indirect Object transitive verb takes indirect object
4.01.04. Transitive Verb Indirect Object Illustration, Sample: transitive verb takes indirect object, sample sentence
4.01.05. Transitive Verb Indirect Object Diagram 1: sentence diagram 1, transitive verb with an indirect object
4.01.06. Transitive Verb Indirect Object Diagram 2: sentence diagram 2, transitive verb with an indirect object

4.02. Intransitive Verbs 
4.02.01. Intransitive Verb Diagram: a sentence diagram of an intransitive verb

4.03. Linking Verbs 
4.03.01. Linking Verb Illustration 1: linking verb with complement adjective
4.03.02. Linking Verb Illustration 2: linking verbs with complement adjectives, sample sentences
4.03.03. Linking Verb Illustration 3: linking verbs with complement nouns, sample sentence 1
4.03.04. Linking Verb Illustration 4: linking verbs with complement nouns, sample sentence 2
4.03.05. Linking Verb Diagrams: sentence diagrams of linking verbs with noun or adjective complements

4.04. Causative Verbs 
4.04.01. Causative Verb causative verb
4.04.02. Causative Verb Illustration, Sample Sentence: causative verb, sample sentence
4.04.03. Causative Verb Diagram: a sentence diagram illustrating a causative verb

4.05. Factitive Verbs 
4.05.01. Factitive Verb Diagram: a sentence diagram of a factitive verb

4.06. Helping Verbs 
4.06.01. Helping Verb Diagram: a sentence diagram of a helping verb

4.07. Phrasal Verbs (a.k.a. Combinative Verbs) 
4.07.01. Phrasal Verb Diagram: a sentence diagram of a phrasal verb

5. Verbals:

5.01. Gerunds 
5.01.01. Gerund Intransitive Diagram: a sentence diagram of an intransitive gerund
5.01.02. Gerund Transitive Diagram: a sentence diagram of a transitive gerund
5.01.03. Gerund Linking Verb Diagram: a sentence diagram of a linking verb gerund
5.01.04. Gerund Factitive Diagram: a sentence diagram of a factitive gerund
5.01.05. Gerund Causative Diagram: a sentence diagram of a causative gerund

5.02. Participles 
5.02.01. Present Participle Diagram: a sentence diagram of a present participle
5.02.02. Present Participial Phrase Diagram: a sentence diagram of a present participial phrase
5.02.03. Past Participles Diagram: a sentence diagram of a past participle
5.02.04. Mixed Participles Diagram: a sentence diagram with past and present participles in the same sentence

5.03. Infinitives 
5.03.01. Infinitive Noun Phrase Diagram: a sentence diagram of an infinitive noun phrase
5.03.02. Infinitive Adjective Phrase Diagram: a sentence diagram of an infinitive adjective phrase
5.03.03. Infinitive Adverb Phrase Modifying a Verb Diagram: a sentence diagram of an infinitive adverb phrase modifying a verb
5.03.04. Infinitive Adverb Phrase Modifying an Adjective Diagram: a sentence diagram of an infinitive adverb phrase modifying an adjective
5.03.05. Infinitive Adverb Phrase Modifying an Adverb Diagram: a sentence diagram of an infinitive adverb phrase modifying an adverb

6. Conjunctions:

6.01. Coordinating Conjunctions 
6.01.01. Coordinating Conjunction Diagram: a sentence diagram illustrating coordinating conjunctions

6.02. Subordinating Conjunctions 
6.02.01. Conjunctions Subordinate: a sentence diagram illustrating a subordinating conjunction
6.02.02. Conjunctions Subordinate Clauses versus Other Clauses: a sentence diagram comparing subordinate clauses to other clauses

6.03. Correlative Conjunctions 
6.03.01. Correlative Conjunctions, Diagram 1: a sentence diagram illustrating correlative conjunctions, in a sample sentence
6.03.02. Correlative Conjunctions, Diagram 2: a sentence diagram illustrating correlative conjunctions, as parts of speech
6.03.03. Correlative Conjunctions versus Comparisons, 1: sentence diagram 1, illustrating correlative and comparative conjunctions
6.03.04. Correlative Conjunctions versus Comparisons, 2: sentence diagram 2, illustrating correlative and comparative conjunctions

7. Modifiers:Adjectives:

7.01. Adjectives of Degree: Comparative and Superlative 
7.01.01. Adjectives Degree Simple Superlative Degree Adjectives: a sentence diagram illustrating the simple superlative degree adjective
7.01.02. Adjectives Degree Simple Comparative Degree Adjectives: a sentence diagram illustrating the simple comparative degree adjective
7.01.03. Adjectives Degree Complex Comparative Adjectives 1: sentence diagram 1, illustrating the complex comparative degree adjective
7.01.04. Adjectives Degree Complex Comparative Adjectives 2: sentence diagram 2, illustrating the complex comparative degree adjective
7.01.05. Adjectives Degree Comparatives: sentence diagram 3, illustrating the complex comparative degree adjective
7.01.06. Adjectives Degree Comparative Statements 1: sentence diagram 1, illustrating the comparative statements
7.01.07. Adjectives Degree Comparative Statements 2: sentence diagram 2, illustrating the comparative statements

7.02. Post-Positive Adjectives 
7.02.01. Post-Positive Adjectives Diagram: a sentence diagram illustrating the post-positive adjective

7.03. Adjective Phrases and Clauses 
7.03.01. Pronouns Relative Diagram “That": a sentence diagram illustrating the relative pronoun "that"
7.03.02. Pronouns Relative Diagram “What": a sentence diagram illustrating the relative pronoun "what"
7.03.03. Pronouns Relative Diagram “Who": a sentence diagram illustrating the relative subject pronoun "who"
7.03.04. Pronouns Relative Diagram “Whom": a sentence diagram illustrating the relative object pronoun "whom"
7.03.05. Pronouns Relative Diagram “Whose": a sentence diagram illustrating the relative possessive adjective "whose"
7.03.06. Pronouns Relative Diagram “Which”: a sentence diagram illustrating the relative pronoun “which"

8. Modifiers: Adverbs:

8.01. Adverbs: Single-Word Adverbs 
8.01.01. Adverbs Modifying Verbs Diagram: a sentence diagram showing an adverb modifying a verb
8.01.02. Adverbs Modifying Adjectives Diagram: a sentence diagram showing an adverb modifying an adjective
8.01.03. Adverbs Modifying Adverbs Diagram: a sentence diagram showing an adverb modifying an adverb

8.02. Adverbs: Conjunctive Adverbs 
8.02.01. Conjunctive Adverbs Diagram: a sentence diagram illustrating a conjunctive adverb
8.02.02. Adverb Phrases and Clauses
8.02.03. Adverb Phrases Diagram: a sentence diagram illustrating an adverb phrase
8.02.04. Adverb Clauses Diagram: a sentence diagram illustrating an adverb clause

9. Modifiers: Prepositions:

9.01. Modifiers: Prepositions 
9.01.01. Prepositional Phrases Diagram: a sentence diagram illustrating prepositional phrases

10. Modifier Errors:

10.01.01. Diagram Misplaced Modifier 1: sentence diagram 1, illustrating the correction of a misplaced modifier 
10.01.02. Diagram Misplaced Modifier 2: sentence diagram 2, illustrating the correction of a misplaced modifier
10.01.03. Diagram Squinting Modifier 1: sentence diagram 1, illustrating the ambivalence of a squinting modifier
10.01.04. Diagram Squinting Modifier 2: sentence diagram 2, illustrating the ambivalence of a squinting modifier
10.01.05. Modifier Errors Sentence Diagram: a sentence diagram illustrating a modifier

11. Interjections:

11.01.01. Interjections Diagram: a sentence diagram illustrating an interjection

12. Sentences:

12.01. Run-Ons Sentences 
12.01.01. Run-O n A: Grammatically Entangled: a sentence diagram illustrating a grammatically entangled sentence
12.01.02. Run-On B: Conjunctive Adverbs versus Coordinating Conjunctions: a sentence diagram illustrating a sentence in which a conjunctive adverb is mistaken for a coordinating conjunction
12.01.03. Run-On C: Conjunctive Adverbs versus Subordinate Clauses: a sentence diagram illustrating a sentence in which conjunctive adverbs are confused for subordinating conjunctions
12.01.04. Run-On D: A Sentence Needing To Be Recast: a sentence diagrams illustrating a sentence needing to be recast

12.02. Sentence Fragments 
12.02.01. Fragments A, Parts Of Speech Errors: sentence diagrams illustrating sentence fragments with parts of speech errors
12.02.02. Fragments B, Phrases as Clauses: sentence diagrams illustrating sentence fragments in which phrases are confused for independent clauses
12.02.03. Fragments C, a Subordinate Clause As an Independent Clause: sentence diagrams illustrating sentence fragments in which dependent clauses are confused for independent clauses
12.02.04. Fragments D, Faulty Coordination: sentence diagrams illustrating sentence fragments incurred by faulty predication
Last Updated: 02/07/2015


Karl J Sherlock
Associate Professor, English
Phone: 619-644-7871

  • Grossmont
  • Cuyamaca
A Member of the Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District