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English Department Archivist
Office Hours: Office 52-558A
Phone: 619-644-7871


English Faculty Archives

We take great pride in the full-time English faculty who have served before us. Many of them remain our colleagues, our friends and our kindred intellects. Because of their tireless efforts and innovations, our Department continues to improve our students' lives. Also responsible for that legacy is the support of hundreds of devoted part-time English instructors who rallied to our aid and were integral to our growth as a department.


During the initial years of Grossmont College, only a handful of faculty were available to establish nascent departments. Some with multiple teaching disciplines served the needs of two, sometimes three, departments within the same Division. As the College grew and hired new faculty specializing in departmental subjects, some of these initial faculty left the English Department to teach full-time in other departments. A few others soon after took tenure positions elsewhere, or followed other careers and interests. The majority, however, prevailed and led long, prestigious careers within our Department, and served on District committees, councils, and even governing boards to shape the future of the College. Below is our proud roster of retired or departed full-time faculty who dedicated all or part of their professional lives to this Department. (Note: Even though some faculty may have worked for many years—even decades—as part-time instructors before being hired full-time, the start dates provided below indicate when faculty officially began tenure positions.) 


Please also visit "Part-Time Faculty" to browse a roster of non-tenure faculty members who have served our Department over the years, or enjoy the Department Hiring History Chart, a graphic representing the full-time hires made by individual Department Chairs, from 1961 to present. 


... to the following individuals, who provided assistance and resources used on this page: Edna White, El Centro College Archivist (El Centro, TX); Daniel Kies, Professor of English Linguistics at College of DuPage (Glen Ellyn, IL); Dr. Oralee Holder, Chair, Department of English, Grossmont College; Homer Lusk, Professor Emeritus and former Department Chair; John Barnier, retired Assistant Chair; and, the helpful staff of the Grossmont College Learning Resource Center.
Last Updated: 08/23/2016


English Department Archivist
Office Hours: Office 52-558A
Phone: 619-644-7871

  • Grossmont
  • Cuyamaca
A Member of the Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District