Tutors are eager to help students with their needs in the EWC, to include assistance with understanding assigned vocabulary and with sentence, paragraph, and/or essay writing.
Important information about tutoring assistance:
Tutoring sessions are a maximum of 30 minutes long.
All students are tutored on a first come, first served basis.
Tutors help with the fundamentals of organization but will not engage in a complete "overhaul" of a paragraph and/or essay, looking at specific structural components directly affecting a writing assignment, i.e. the presence of a topic sentence and/or a thesis statement, topic sentences, concrete examples and support, transitional devices, as well as an effective conclusion.
Tutors also help students with grammar and punctuation, providing explanations rather than simply proofreading and editing student writing.
Tutors help students from any class that requires a writing assignment.
Tutors help students with understanding assigned vocabulary words assigned in the reading classes and review sentences that students write for those classes; they check for correct usage with regard to grammar and punctuation, as well as word use and definitions.
Tutorial assistance cannot substitute for an instructor’s help on material covered in class that is unique to a class.
If students need tutorial assistance on research papers or portfolios that are lengthy, students may engage in no more than 2 tutoring sessions per day. (NOTE: Tutors help students for the time allotted and then may recommend that students sign up for another session.)
Often the EWC has a waiting list; sometimes students have to wait 30 minutes or longer.
Information about how to write essays and basic grammar information can be obtained via the How to Write an Essay link.