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Some Things to Study for Quiz #4

To visualize data in three dimensions, an X, Y, and Z value are needed.  The X and Y value corresponds to the locational coordinates of features in a specified grid system (for example, Y = Latitude and X = Longitude).  The Z value can be obtained from values assigned to each cell of a continuous data surface (such as a grid, raster, etc.), or they can be obtained from a specified field within an attribute table.

The process of displaying a polygon shapefile over a surface with defined "Z" values in ArcScene is called "Draping".

Be very familiar with the definitions and functions of the following function types:
    1.  Focal
    2.  Zonal
    3.  Local
    4.  Application
    5.  Global

TIN is the acronym for ______________  ______________  _____________.

Describe thoroughly how the spatial resolution is different between a GRID (raster) and a TIN.

What is geocoding?

What three components are necessary to geocode a group of addresses in a table?
     Hint:  An "address table" is one of three.

Results from a search within a geocoded database are calculated from a linear interpolation.  Thus, they are based on some assumptions.  What are some of those assumptions?

In geocoding, what does an address locater style define?  How do you know which style to choose within ArcMap when building an Address Locator?

The location of features in raster data is inherent in the cell-based data storage structure and allows a GIS to store continuous data more effectively.  This is known as the "locational perspective".  Unlike raster data, vector data does not have location as an inherent part of the data structure.  Thus, the location of features in vector data must be stored in the attribute table.

What are the names of the toolsets within Spatial Analyst in ArcGIS?

Operations and functions within Spatial Analyst manipulate the value of each cell, or allow it to remain the same, within a raster, based on some defined set of rules.

Three things should be considered when using any Spatial Analyst operation or function to calculate an output value for a specified cell.  What are those three things? (Hint:  Look at the Spatial Analyst Handout embedded within THX 9, found at )

Last Updated: 12/30/2014
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  • Cuyamaca
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