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Adjustments made in learning. Alternative ways to access and process information and show what a student has learned. Accommodations requested must be based on student’s educational limitations. 

Responsible for collecting all student fees. 

Admissions and Records
Responsible for applications, registration, adding/dropping a class, maintenance of academic records, grades and evaluation of transcripts. 

ADA: Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
A Civil Rights Law that extends the protections of Section 504 to private school and businesses. 

Assessment Center
The college placement test tells students which level of English and Math classes to take. 


Sells college textbooks and other supplies. 


Campus Police
Provides security for campus community. 

College Entrance Examinations
Examinations taken in high school years to determine college eligibility.

SAT: Scholastic Aptitude Test
ACT: American College Test

Provides academic, career, and personal counseling. 

CSU: California State University
Public colleges and universities in California. 


A physical or psychological difference resulting in functional limitations that cause significant problems with learning or work. 

Disability Support Office
Offices or departments on each campus providing services and accommodations for students with disabilities. In California many offices go by the following names:

DSPS: Disability Support Programs & Services
DSS: Disabled Student Services or Disability Support Services
OSD: Office for Students with Disabilities

Due Process
Legal procedures that determine if a law is being followed. Every college has a procedure for Due Process. When it is believed that a legal right has been denied to a student, the student has the right to request a review using Due Process. 


Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS)
Provides educational support for individuals from educationally, culturally, and financially disadvantaged backgrounds. 


Financial Aid
Offers a variety of federal and state programs as well as scholarship opportunities to students who might otherwise be unable to continue their education due to financial need.

BOGW: Board of Governor’s Fee Waiver for community colleges only. If eligible, some enrollment fees may be waived.
FAFSA: Free Application for Student Aid. This is the required application to receive federal grants, loans, and work-study assistance.

Functional Limitation
Identified area(s) of weakness caused by a disability. Functional limitations are used to identify reasonable accommodations in school/work. 


Health Services
Provides student health support in a variety of ways. 


IDEA '04: Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 2004
Federal legislation that states the civil rights of students in K-12. 

IEP: Individual Education Plan
2004 requires an annual IEP meeting to review and plan goals and objectives (Applies to K-12 ONLY). 


The term K-12 refers to the years in school from kindergarten through the end of high school. 


Learning Disability
A persistent condition of neurological dysfunction. The general characteristics include: average to above average ability, a significant processing problem, and significant difference between ability and achievement in school. 


Regional Occupational Program (see community resources). 


SEC: Student Education Contract
A required community college plan of study for students with disabilities developed by disability support office specialist and the student. 

The ability to identify and explain your needs. Students with disabilities should understand the laws that protect them and help them achieve their academic goals. 

Section 504
Part of the Federal Rehabilitation Act passed in 1973 to protect the civil rights of children and adults with disabilities in schools or workplaces that receive Federal Financial support. 

504 Plan
504 plans are used to outline accommodations and services for students with disabilities in K-12 only. outside of the special education process. 

Student Affairs/Activities
Addresses student complaints and grievances. Supports student clubs, organizations and events on campus. 

Student Code of Conduct
Defines expected behavior of college students and consequences. Colleges have both policy and procedures about expected behavior. This information is usually found in the college catalog. Serious misconduct may result in suspension/expulsion. Students with disabilities are held to the same standards as all students. 

Student Employment/Career Center
May assist students in locating employment and research assistance for career opportunities. 

A class outline of course descriptions, student learning outcomes, assignments, grade policy, and behavior policy provided by instructors for students. 


TAG: Transfer Agreement Guarantee
An agreement between the community college student and the receiving four-year school. 

Title VI-Civil Rights Act of 1964
Prohibits discrimination based on race, color, or national origin in all employment situations involving programs or activities aided by federal funding. 

Title VII-Civil Rights Act of 1964
Prohibits job discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex or national origin in all employment practices: hiring, firing, promotions, compensations, and in all other terms, conditions and benefits of employment, including vacations, pensions and seniority. 

Refers to passage from K-12 to postsecondary education. 

Offers free peer tutoring to any enrolled student. 

Transfer Center
Provides information and assistance to students in transferring to a four year college or other specialized college programs. 


UC: University of California
Public universities in California. 


The written proof that a student has a disability which must be signed by a doctor or the appropriate professional in the field. It names the disability and identifies functional limitations.

Last Updated: 11/26/2014
  • Grossmont
  • Cuyamaca
A Member of the Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District