To gain an extra credit, you must first sign up for Humanities 194, as listed in the Class Schedule. This Community Service Learning Experience (for one college credit) will also be counted as extra credit toward your concurrent Humanities class with me as an equal 1/7 of the Humanities class grade. See me for paperwork and contact information.
For this one credit and the extra credit for our Honors Humanities class, you will:
(1) volunteer 60 hours with one of the Approved Agencies (see below);
(2) have the CSL paperwork completed by the Approved Agency (your Supervisor), signed by your Supervisor and you, and turned in with your final expository paper (#3, below); and
(3) write a 3-page expository paper about your volunteer experience AS IT RELATES to a Humanities theme (see me to work on a paper topic). The CSL paperwork (#2, above) and the expository paper (#3, above) must be turned in by the last day of class.
By the end of the third week of class you must:
(1) let me know that you intend to pursue this;
(2) contact one of the Approved Agencies (see below); and
(3) have determined your work schedule.
1. Alliance for African Assistance – mentor youth, work as an historical and cultural research assistant, work collaboratively with the Red Cross, be a swim coach, etc.
2. Center for Community Solutions – work on women’s issues of domestic violence, sexual assault, or in the shelter or safe house.
3. Jewish Family Service of San Diego – Social services for elderly and homebound. Needs volunteers for food mobile, visitors to seniors and disabled, mentoring mothers, naturalization service volunteers and food pantry.
4. Kurdish Human Rights Watch – aid Shiite, Kurdish and/or Somali refugees, mostly women, regarding issues of educational needs, health care resources and ESL or citizenship classes.
5. Lemon Grove Project – work mentoring in the middle school, or with teens on issues regarding drug and alcohol rehabilitation or on their Hate Crimes Task Force, etc.
6. Palm Middle School – English teacher, Debbie Farrior, needs assistance with grading, etc.
7. San Diego Council on Literacy, John Adams Manor – A housing project which provides after-school tutoring in English, math and other subjects to children of Sudanese, Kurdish, Moroccan refugees. This population has been identified as having a high need for tutoring assistance. Service Learning students can also act as mentors to educate the children about going to college.
8. San Diego Mission Trails – An outdoor natural history park next door to Grossmont needs help with habitat restoration, trail maintenance and visitor information.
Community Service Learning Experience
Instructor: Gwenyth Mapes
Office: Rm. 590J, 644-7525,
Special Restrictions: Students must have completed a minimum of 7 units at Grossmont, be prepared to travel to the site, and spend a minimum of 60 hours under supervision at the site.
Contract: The contracts must be signed by all parties and adhered to. All contract paperwork must be filled out and turned in with the final reflection paper. See me for a contract packet.
Grades: This course may be taken for a letter grade only.
Grades will be based on the following criteria:
Site supervisor evaluation
My evaluation upon visiting the site.
Summaries of experiences, based on your Learning Objectives—
see Handout. DUE: end of the 3rd week of classes.
Final reflection paper—typed, 3 pages minimum
DUE: last day of regular classes.
My ability to stay in touch with you—do you e-mail assignments to me on time, return phone calls, show up to scheduled meetings?
“A” = All of the above done on time, done well and complete
“B” = Only 3 of the above done on time, done well and complete
“C” = Only 2 of the above done on time, done well and complete
“D” = Only 1 of the above done on time, done well and complete
“F” = Nothing done
At the site, you represent not only yourself, but also Grossmont College. It is important that your behavior reflects appropriate communication, dress, and actions. If you feel the site is not meeting your needs, please let me know immediately; if the site supervisor feels that you are not following through on your responsibilities, you may be asked to find another site or be dropped from the program.
Examples of Community Service Learning
Learning Objectives
All objectives must have the following four key elements to be acceptable:
1. What is the task to be accomplished?
2. How will it be accomplished?
3. How will it be evaluated (measured) and by whom?
4. When will it be completed?
Sample Objectives:
Create reading and writing lesson plans for third graders. To be done by actual experience, instruction from supervisor, and applying current classroom knowledge. Supervisor will evaluate by review of lesson plan. Completion date of March ____, 200___.
Perform research on 10 different law cases and write a brief on each one. To be done by reading, working with supervisor and co-workers, and through instruction. Supervisor to evaluate each brief. To be completed by December ____, 200___.
Establish and write a new job description that requires job enrichment and enhancement by defining current job responsibilities and brainstorming with supervisor as to how these responsibilities can bee enhanced and expanded. Supervisor evaluates based on comparison of previous and newly developed written job description. To be completed by December ____, 200__.
Develop a method of disciplining children that maintains the integrity of the child and provides the appropriate consequence for inappropriate behavior by reviewing the theoretical literature on child discipline and extracting principles and a model for disciplining. Also, by brainstorming with co-workers and head teacher on the natural or appropriate consequences for inappropriate behavior. Evaluated by head teacher based on observation and personal conferences. To be completed by May ____, 200__.
Develop recommendations for ways of reducing equipment failures by investigating all equipment failures to search for causes of failure. Recommendation will be to supervisor regarding cause and effect of equipment failures. To be completed by November ____, 200___.
Devise a safety checklist by investigating all accident reports and gathering data. Demonstrate effectiveness of safety precautions as reflected in accident reports to supervisor. To be completed by April ____, 200___.
Develop business finance skills through cross training in bookkeeping and financial management by one-on- one training with the finance manager. Evaluated based on accuracy in managing and balancing the finance system over the next four months. To be completed by December ___, 200___.
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